Site News

June 2022 Newsletter

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by basketworm

june 2022 Newsletter

The monthly questboard prompts have been rotated! Check out the neat guys you can fight (pictured above) for some even neater rewards! (shown below)

 The following custom items have been added to the game thanks to funfetti and idolish7!


The winners of last months Discovery Prompt, Plant Gathering, have been announced! Congratulations to Quail (community choice) and idolish7 (mod choice)! Their winning entries have been added to the flora section of the world encyclopedia, and items based off of them have also been added: 

Additionally, we've got some epic new mods and guest artists!!! Please welcome zach, idolish7, hell, funfetti, and sourdoughie as mods; and zach, jukebox, fairixia, funfetti, hell, and lune as guest artists!

Fool's Festival Begins

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by basketworm

BECOME AS FOOLS (a month late)

The April event is now on! Events last two weeks, with this submission window closing on June 1st at midnight.
Participate in the Event Prompt to earn special gold stars to spend at the Prize Booth for limited time items!

The Fool's Festival is an annual celebration of the returning of spring. Plushpets take part in it by decorating egg-shaped containers to gift to their friends and foes! Contained inside is either a sweet treat or a nasty prank, all depending on how the send feels about the recipient. Those that receive gifts from their Festival Eggs are thought to have good luck for the rest of the year, but getting tricked makes you a fool!

(also planning for some easter/april fools themed adopts sometime later in the month but you didnt hear it from me)


Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by basketworm

WAOW welcome back everyone we've sure been inactive for a while ! This is probably the biggest mechanics update we've had in Ever, so please feel free to barrage us with any questions in the Discord, it helps us too! 

This update focuses on establishing new systems that we can further expand upon in future content updates! New features such as Gardening, Classes, Skills, and the updated Awards function will have a buncha new items and types sprinkled into our enclosure as we get used to navigating them.

As for upcoming events, the Fools' Festival event (originally meant to be in April) will be held in May instead! Look forward to some colorful eggs and clownage. 

Functional/Game Updates
  • A number of preexisting weapons, accessories, and consumables have been made craftable for player enrichment.
    • The chances of finding weapons and accessories while exploring have been removed, with the exception of Charms.
    • The Stoke the Forge and Cooking by the Book prompts have been updated with these new recipes.
      • If you have previously completed these prompts, feel free to resubmit them without any art attached to get the new resippys!
  • An additional type of trait has been added to make classifcation of Plushpets easier: Body Type. Every currently existing plushpet should have had their corresponding traits manually applied by staff; if yours is missing a Body Type trait, please let us know.
  • New items and recipes (unrelated to new features) have been added.
  • Levels and EXP gains have been adjusted. 
    • For anyone wishing to reallocate their character's stats at any time, a utility prompt has been created. The new EXP and stat point gains can also be viewed in this prompts description.
  • Gardening exists now! A number of items relating to the gardening function have been added to the game, and can be purchased from the General Store!
  • Prompts have been tidied up a bit and condensed. 
    • Missions have been renamed to Bounties. All "rerun mission" prompts have been consolidated into a single hand-in prompt. All encounterable creatures and their stats can now be found in the Fauna section of the world encyclopedia. Monthly cycling missions return as their own separate prompt hand-in prompt.
    • Advancement prompts and Starter prompts have been consolidated into one type, named Development Prompts.
    • Requests have been consolidated into three different hand-in prompts, one for each type of request: Delivery, Handiwork, and Search. 
  • Cycling prompts (Requests and Bounties) have had their descriptions moved to a separate page, the Quest Board.  This change is so we don't have to make a new 6 prompts every month and unecessarily clog the prompt list, both admin and user side. 
  • Item prices, prompt rewards, and reselling prices have been rebalanced to accomodate new methods of item acquisition.
  • You now can change your character's Home (viewable from their character page) using the New Game+ prompt. Characters will also have their home locations set when handing in an ARPG application. Character's locations affect what kinds of Drops players can collect from them. Future prompts that require characters from certain locations are now possible!
    • 🚧Note: In the past before this feature was put to functional use, users have been able to freely set their character's location at any time.  All characters that have submitted an ARPG application should have their correct locations and drops set. Characters that have not submitted an ARPG application do not, even if they have a Home set on their profile.
  • Drops are back and repurposed with the above location function, characters will now collect Essence from their respective realms. Essence can be used in crafting recipes to make realm-themed items and (future) pets!
  • Subtypes have been repurposed to make the above location functions work; the subtypes "Arpg Playable" and "Poppet" have been removed.
  • The "ARPG Playable" subtype has been functionally replaced with the Class system. In order for characters to use equipment, they must have at least the Novice class (awarded to any characters that have completed the application hand-in prompt).
  • Character Skills system has been introduced to replace the Talents traits. Skills are awardable by prompts and claims, and can be viewed at the bottom of a character's page. Prompts can now require that characters have learned certain skills to complete them. 
    • The Talent Show prompt has been currently taken down for maintenance, specialized prompts for each talent will replace it!
  • Characters can now be featured on users' profile page. Only one character may be featured at a time, so get ready to start playing favorites!
  • Awards can now be held by characters. In addition, awards now have the capability to be featured on character and user pages akin to the featured character function! (This feature is not yet in use with any current awards) (Cool badges will be coming soon that use this feature) 
  • Character Folders have been added for oragnization and can viewed on your public character list! Folders can be created and edited from your My Characters page. 

Cosmetic Only
  • The World Encyclopedia landing page has received a facelift.
  • New Site Themes are available from the settings page! Dipping our toes in right now so they mostly just change the banner or background image.
  • The Plushpet Lore Guide under the Library tab has been updated. 
  • ARPG Applications templates have been updated and players can now choose from a selection (available in the Official Art tab of the gallery).
  • All flower-based accesory items have been renamed to Corsages, which can be obtained by using their plain flower counterparts in the inventory.
  • Character's belongings (backpack, pets, equipment) have been moved to their own tab on the character page.
  • The admin account's username has changed from Basketworm to Admin
  • All items have been given their rarities back.
  • Crafting recipes now have images so you can see what you're making. 
  • Every Item On The Site Has Been Given Shiny And Edible New Art 
  • Dragonfruit Fists have been renamed to Pitaya Punchers.
  • Dragonfruit have had their other half glued back on in site art.
  • Milk items have been moved into cartons instead of bottles for easier compostability.
  • Inventory related pages (regular items, weapons, gear, and pets) have been consolidated under a single tab in the Home sidebar.

Near Future
  • Character Backgrounds: installed and ready to go we just need to make the actual art for them _(:3」∠)
  • Class Quests/Questlines: yeah you can be a wizard........but what if you could study the blade and become a super wizard
  • Specific Skills Quests/Questlines: yeah you can know telekinesis.......but what if you could study the blade and know [insert one of the 500 different specialized kinesis abilities] 
  • Status Effects: installed and ready to go we just need to figure out how to implement them _(:3」∠)
  • Pet Variants: change your beloved pets into neat new variants using a special item!
  • Character Guilds/Groups/Teams: still trying to figure out a good and cute name for them but user made and ran guilds basically

June Newsletter

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by admin
  • Pets are here! They don't have any functionality yet beyond collecting and equipping them to your Plushpets, but in the future we plan to introduce prompts to do with your little guys!
    • As pets function on the same extension as weapons and gear, they cannot be sold from the inventory. A new utility prompt has been added to exchange pets you no longer need!
  • New awards dropped! A set of merit badges based on fishing, plushpet hoarding, and talents have been released!
  • Page-Messing-Around-With! The ARPG Encyclopedia and Prompt Index pages have been retouched to make them easier to navigate! A dedicated fishing page is also coming.
  • Slight change to HP system in missions! In order for a character to both receive experience and count towards defeating a mission, it must not lose all its HP during the course of the battle. In more basic terms, the monster attacks first now! If a character can't survive an attack with their stats and equipment, they will be treated as if they had not participated in the prompt. 
    • Future damage dealt by mission monsters (including June's) will be rescaled accordingly.
  • Requests are now called Occasions! Nothing else has changed.
Bug fixes
  • Character's stats can now actually go to 0! The current amount of HP now always displays. A bug where "0" and "Full" HP would not display at all has been fixed.

April Newsletter

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by admin
  • Equipement System Overhaul! New mechanics for equipping accessories and weapons has been made for lorekeeper, which we are trying out here on Plushpet Plaza! Since it's a newer in-alpha extension, there's been and will be a few bugs around the site. 
    • All equipment now directly affects a characters stats as soon as it's equipped!
    • Accessories have been renamed to gear, and both them and weapons are now in a separate category from normal items.
    • All currently existing equipment have been converted into vouchers, which can be used to get the working stat-affecting items by "opening" them!
    • Usable versions of equipment cannot currently be sold or bought, so those wishing to convert usable versions of their equipment can use claims to ask staff too do so.
  • Stat System Overhaul! To make stats more broad and applicable to more than just mission battling scenarios, they've been renamed and reformatted for future prompts which will use these new stats. In addition, the Level system has had changes to make it more compatible. 
    • Upon levelling up, a character now rececives an amount of Stat Points for their owner to dish out to different stats as desired!
      • Damage is now Bravery
      • Defense is now Tenacity
      • Seed Bonus is now Charm
    • The lowest amount of HP a character can have is now 1, so any characters with this amount of HP will not be able to participate in missions until their health has been restored.

March Newsletter

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by admin
  • Rebalancing! Accessories have had their Eternity Seed bonus reduced to prevent overstacking, while MYO an Trait Change tickets prices have been scaled to better reflect their rarities.
    • Characters with these items currently equipped will still receive the old bonus amounts for any past mission prompts that currently await processing.
  • Monthly Raffle! Anyone can participate, all you need is a site account so you can comment!
  • Special Item Implemention! Available from the Prize Booth! Make sure to read their info page for more information.
  • Fishing Almost! Still coming soon, but now you can read about the three unique fishing venues in their prompt descriptions! 
  • Inventory Display! This was added pretty soon after the last changelog so you may have gotten familiar with it already, but now your character's belongings are displayed in a little space on their profile!


February Newsletter

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by admin

AWOOGA new month!! New things!! 

new features
  • Advent Calendar! A one week calendar leading up to Valentine's day! It's got some exclusive items and if you collect them all, you'll even get a trait upgrade ticket for free!
  • Monthly Raffle! Anyone can participate, all you need is a site account so you can comment!
  • New quick guide for new players! It'll be updated as more things are added and fleshed out.
  • Pets approaching Very Soon! You can take a look at the upcoming three flavors of pet that're coming to the game!
prompt rotation

New Year Updates!

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by admin

WAOW WAOW its been a while since our last update! In the time since then we've added a number of new updates, including an update of the site's framework! As it's still fresh out of the oven, bugs are expected. If you encounter something funky, you can submit a bug report or hop in the discord to let us know! 

new features!
  • Galleries: You can now submit art to an on-site gallery and earn Eternity Seeds in the meantime! You can even submit art that you've made for past prompts, although you can't double up on rewards unfortunately.

  • Adoption Center: An adoption center has opened up! If you're no longer feeling attached to your Plushpet and want some Seeds, you can surrender them here. Once in the center, Plushpets can be bought by other players for the price you assign to them! 

  • Daily Findings: As new features for the site's Lorekeeper framework are released, we're slowly working towards making features of the site automated for a better player experience! One of the fun new additions is Character Drops, which are items or currency that players can collect from characters over a set period of time.  For us, this means you can now collect an item called Findings from your Plushpets once per day! Findings are a randomized amount of eternity seeds, so this is a good way to slowly build up your seeds if you don't have time for prompts and other activities. 

  • Sales Feed: We have a shiny new sales feed too now! It's like the news feed, but for adopts, giveaways, and other related things. 

  • New Items: A pack of new items and recipes have been added to the game! They'll be rolled out to various Explorations, Prompts, and Shops in the coming days. 

  • PoppetsAnother new feature aimed towards FTO's is Poppets! These are essentially a more limited version of MYO slots that use predetermined colors and certain traits. 
Site updates!
  • MYO Tickets can now be used in your inventory and will automatically generate a MYO slot of their rarity upon use!

  • Players can now set up Relationships between their characters and other characters! This functions similar to the Links feature on Toyhouse.
  • The World Encyclopedia page has been expanded to include different pages for Fauna, Flora, Important Figures, and Events! This is still empty as of now, but it's there and ready to be used!!

  • You can now set your Plushpet's home in their profile! You can pick from any realm or any subarea within them. This doesn't have any game impacts as of now, it's just a fun flavor thing!

  • Sub-masterlists are now a thing, they appear as separate links on players profiles page and on the masterlist page. As of now this is only used for Poppets, but it opens up some new organization options!

  • Advent Calendars are also now programmed into the site, so we're ready to roll out some fun stuff for future events.

  • You can probably already tell from the giant space it takes up on profiles, but pets are coming soon too! 

Weekly Changelog [8/8-15]

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by admin
Hope you're all having a great weekend! This is a summary of all the site related bugfixes and updates.

A big thank you to everyone in the Discord for notifying us of these! And to everyone else for bearing with us as we get off our feet.

changes as of 8/15/20
  • An item's description and sale price is now viewable when vieing items from your inventory. 
  • Items now have sale prices and can be sold from inventories.
  • The Fiery weapon set has had its price reduced from 30 to 25 seeds.
  • Item trades and transfers now function properly.
  • Buttons have been added to the prompt hub for easier clicking.
  • A guide on how to use MYO tickets has been added to the Site Guides section.
  • The Guest Artist role has been added for site users. 
  • The trait guides have been updated with the addition of three new traits: Patchwork, Dollyand Foodie.  
    • If you know a character that needs traits updated following this release, please let us know by submitting a claim or telling us on the discord!

Weekly Changelog [8/1-8]

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by admin
Hope you're all having a great weekend! This is a summary of all the site related bugfixes and updates.

A big thank you to everyone in the Discord for notifying us of these! And to everyone else for bearing with us as we get off our feet.

changes as of 8/8/20

• Fixed a bug where users with long usernames could not purchase items from shops.
• Fixed 404 links on some buttons and prompts.
• Fixed links to NPCs on some prompts.
• Fixed broken meta tags on most item descriptions.
• Changed "+10 HP" to "restores 10 HP" on consumable items to prevent confusion about possible stat increases.
• Reduced rate of Sun Lockets dropping in Explore prompts from 10% down to 6%.