Gossamer Girl
A quiet young woman has approached you on the shores of Sunbeam's beaches asking for copious amounts of gossmer. It appears she's making a quilt for her grandfather! Lend her a hand?
Job Details
15 Exp Points
Hand-In Request

Keep an Eye Out
Creepy eyes are popping up on walls in the Strange Realm. Giving them a good poke makes them vanish, but where are they coming from?
Job Details

Angel of Darkness
Hidden away deep in the darkest alley and crannys of Perihelion, an urban legend tells of a special angelic Bitpet that can fend off bad luck and curses!
Job Details
Hand-In Request

Vincent van Toad
Splatterfrogs have escaped the community art center, and they're painting funny faces all over the traffic signs!!
Job Details
Health: 30
Bravery: 15
For more information on Bounties, check the prompt below!
Hand-In Bounty

Fin Fin Neo
Troublemaking reanimators have created a new invasive species of fish - the Pincushfins! They're terribly carnivorous, violent, and beautiful!
Job Details
Health: 40
Bravery: 35
For more information on Bounties, check the prompt below!
Hand-In Bounty

Long Cat
Greater catfish are worming their way into the Riverside Village grain bins to snack on some tasty mice! This wouldn't be a problem if they weren't as big as horses and leave huge holes in the walls...
Job Details
Health: 100
Bravery: 55
For more information on Bounties, check the prompt below!
Hand-In Bounty