Familiar Subareas

Sunbeam City


A massive, shining city nestled along the eastern coast of the Familiar Realm's main continent. The buildings here are all decorated with the same curious material that reflects the color of the sky. Sunbeam City is the most populous settlement in the realm, and houses the radio broadcast tower used to communicate with the other realms.

As a center of trade, it also draws in people from all corners of the realm. There's always new faces to meet and things to do here in Sunbeam!

  • City Park - A large and well tended park located in the center of the city. The ultimate picnic spot.
  • Shopping District - Located conveniently close to the park. A busy street filled with quaint shops.
  • N/A - (This landmark has not yet been willed into existence.)
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Riverside Village


Lying further inland from Sunbeam, Riverside is a quaint getaway from the big city bustle. Children are often seen collecting the trinkets that wash up on the river's banks. The residents of Riverside prefer a simpler lifestyle than most, and everyone here looks after each other.

Because it's so rural, it's hard to distinguish where the village ends and the surrounding fields and pastures begin! Riverside is perfect for those wanting the benefits of both nature and civilization. 

  • Red River - The village's namesake, named for the reddish sediments that make up the riverbed.
  • Mourning Belltower - Built overlooking the quiet cemetary, tenders of the grounds take turns ringing it three times a day. 
  • N/A - (This landmark has not yet been willed into existence.)
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Stardust Beach


One of the natural gems of the Familar Realm, Stardust Beach is named so for its sparkling, pristine sands. Described by visitors as The Perfect Beach™, the water here is always a beautiful shade of blue and the fish are always biting. Neighboring groves have made this a very popular spot with waterfowl, so the birds are also always biting. 

Naturally, this area draws in a plethora of visitors in the summertime season. Shiny shells and dried starfish are taken home as good luck charms and souveniers!

  • Snapper Lighthouse - This cute lighthouse alerts all passing ships of the beach's many sandbars.
  • Sandcarve Cove - Obscured from view by mangroves, this picturesque cave is home to more crabs than you can believe.
  • N/A - (This landmark has not yet been willed into existence.)
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