Divine Subareas

Sky Basin


The great basin that holds all of the Divine Realm. Although it appears to be a vast ocean, its surface is actually solid. Stars and constellations of the lower realms are visible just below the water as glimmering waypoints for travelers.

The sun and moon sit on opposite ends of the basin, always orbiting in tandem with each other. Towering cloud formations drift lazily in the sky, casting reflections across the endless mirror-like surface.

  • Crystallations - Scientific name of the star shaped crystal formations embedded in the basin's surface. Whether they are random or have a pattern is not yet known.
  • Equinox Point - The point where the sun and moon are an equal distance from the observer. Nothing's here, it's just neat!
  • N/A - (This landmark has not yet been willed into existence.)
Items found in this location:


Perihelion City


Home to the majority of the Divine Realm's population, the location of this towering city is only known to those with a pure heart. Perihelion is so near to the realm's sun that the moon isn't visible here, and eternal daytime reigns.

The city has a rich culture and history compared to most Divine Realm settlements. The regular gladitorial festivals draw in legendary fighters from all reaches of the realm, which is great for the tourism economy! 

  • God's Eye Arena - The innermost section of the city. The arena is open to the sky and is where the most extravagant events of the realm are held.
  • Cloudburt Gardens - Found on the upper levels, these gorgeous terraces provide most of the city's food.
  • N/A - (This landmark has not yet been willed into existence.)
Items found in this location:


Fallstreak Hole


Hidden well out of sight from the curious eyes of Perihelion City lies an unmistakable break in the perfect surface of the Sky Basin. A hole shattered by some colossal force has left the infinite deeps below the basin exposed to the sky above.

What unknown beings lie waiting in these dark waters....? Who knows! There sure is fish though, so it's become a popular fishing spot for those lucky enough to find it. Surprisingly, the water here is more saline than the usual freshwater that sits on the Sky Basin's surface.

  • Crackdown Crags - Sharp, pointed crystals that make up the edge of the pool. Some are angled just right for the perfect sitting spot.
  • Hole - Hole. This is just a bottomless hole of water. There's not much here.
  • N/A - (This landmark has not yet been willed into existence.)
Items found in this location:
